Donate today - We all do better, when we all do better

Donate today -- we'll send you our new 3 x 4.5" vinyl sticker!

2019 is going to be a very important year for the future of Iowa -- and the nation. CCI Action is determined to take our democracy back from corporations and moneyed interests.

  • We're fighting for clean water, healthcare, climate, racial justice.
  • We’re fighting against the destruction we witness every day to people and issues we care about.
  • We’ve got a lot of work to do. We need everybody in. We need you!

Our new sticker - designed by our Digital Organizer Cat Rocketship - features a Paul Wellstone line that we say a lot around the office.

This idea helps guide our work. We're working for a world where every person is able to live a joyful, healthy, fulfilled life—regardless of where they live, what they look like, or what their background is.

Donate today -- let's build people-fueled political power to win what our communities need. 



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If you have time, we'd love to know
Share why you're giving today. We may use your words on our campaign website.