, Last year, when the derecho storm hit Des Moines, my home was plunged into darkness. I still remember what it felt like to wait for my power to come back on, while richer, whiter neighborhoods in Des Moines had their power instantly restored by MidAmerican Energy (or never lost power at all). I felt alone. I felt isolated. My home was without power, but I felt powerless, too. For too long, residents of this city have been feeling isolated and afraid, and our elected leaders have neglected to make our neighborhoods safe for all of us. We all deserve to be healthy and safe, without worrying about police violence, climate destruction, COVID-19, and not being able to make ends meet. That's why CCI Action members are getting involved in this year's City Council elections. Today, our team of CCI members are releasing candidate questionnaires from Indira Sheumaker (Ward 1) and Justyn Lewis (At-Large). Incumbents Bill Gray (Ward 1) and Connie Boesen (At-Large) both chose not to respond to our candidate questionnaires. Check out, like, and share our candidate response summaries on: Want to read the full responses from candidates? Next week, we'll be releasing the videos of our candidate screening meetings, where Indira and Justyn met with members and answered questions about our issues!
For a better Des Moines, Catherine Lewin (they/them) Movement Politics Organizer