I used to think of myself as a “political junkie.” Starting in my teens, you could often find me on Sundays folding clothes with my mom and watching The McGlaughlin Group. I knew who Nina Totenberg was at an early age, and I could tell you who everyone in the Bush Administration was and what they did (I was, of course, very popular in school…ha!).
As I’ve gotten older, though, and have been working in the political sphere, I’ve learned just how important down-ballot races and amendments are. How much they impact our daily lives.
It sounds obvious – and in a lot of ways, it is. But those candidates and those amendments are often the hardest to find good information about, leaving voters without the information they need to make informed choices.
This year, Iowa ballots have two amendments on the backside of the ballot. Amendment 1 would require proof of citizenship in order to vote. While it may sound reasonable to some, this amendment is yet another fear-mongering tactic to scare us into believing non-citizens are voting in Presidential and federal elections. Its intention is to sow anti-immigrant sentiments and to get us to agree to limiting our own voting rights.
Amendment 2 is about the succession process should the Governor be unable to fulfill her duties. Again, this one looks simple enough, but there is a glaring issue with it: it does not require Iowa Senate confirmation of the Lt Governor choice, meaning everyday people’s voices wouldn’t be represented in the decision.
Both amendments are being referred to voters by the Republican-led legislature. CCI members have been reaching out to us to let us know they'll be voting NO on these amendments. Read more about them here.
Please read on for more information about judges on the ballot and other voting information, as well as for articles we’ve been reading this month and to check out the CCI members who are running for office!
For a welcoming Iowa for all,
Katie Biechler, she/her Political Organizing Director |